Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I love summer because mostly I get to spend time with Madi and lay by the pool almost everyday! I am very lucky to have one of my really good friends who is also a teacher live in my subdivision. Christi and I have been friends since college,and I love her so much! This is why we love to teach!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The past two weekends I have had the privilege to attend baby showers for two of my very dear friends from college! Here are some pictures of both them!

Brooke is due in August and is having a lil baby girl "Bella Rae"

Natalie is due in August also but she is having a lil baby boy "Cullen"

It was so good getting to see all of my girlfriends from college!

Friday, June 19, 2009

We were so excited when baby Hank finally arrived!! Congratulations Kylie, Tyler, and Gavin, he is so precious! Here are some pics of him!

Lauren and I getting ready for another school year to be over! Lauren had to move to Clarksville this summer, so we won't be teaching next year together :( Which I have been extremely bummed about!!